Team Aerospace Award
Criteria for Selection
The intent of this award is to recognize an active duty or ARC team for significant contributions to the mission and vision of Team Aerospace over the preceding calendar year. Nominations must address contributions to the Team Aerospace mission and vision; the achieved results; and how the Team Aerospace actions promoted and enhanced operational health, safety, and performance while demonstrating the inter-reliability of Team Aerospace functions.
There are no restrictions as to rank, age or membership in the Society. Nominees may be Regular, Reserve, or Guard Team Aerospace.
Any member of the Society can nominate a Team. The Chairman of the Awards Committee of the Society will prepare and send a letter to the Command Surgeon of each major command (MAJCOM), including the United States Air Force Academy, the Air National Guard, and the Air Force Reserves. Each MAJCOM surgeon’s office may select and present one nominee team for consideration to the Awards Committee. The primary nomination will consist of a one-page narrative summary outlining the nominee team’s accomplishments, Nomination packages must be received by the Chairman of the Awards Committee.
Award Selection
The Chairman of the Awards Committee will prepare a ballot on which will appear the team nominees. The ballot, as well as a copy of the team’s nomination narrative, will be provided to each voting member on the Society’s Awards Committee Review Panel.
Each voting member will review team accomplishments and assign a value from 0 to 5 points to each bullet. The maximum number of points will be 100. The voting member will rank the nominees after scoring or write “abstain” on the ballot.
The winner will be the nominee team receiving the highest ranking. In the event that only a single team is entered in nomination for the award in a given year, the Board of Governors will vote as to whether that team should receive the award. Following tabulation of votes, the Chairman of the Awards Committee will provide the name of the winner to the Society’s President before the winner is announced to the Board. The President shall have the final right to approve the winner as recipient of the award. If the President does not so approve, the award will not be given in that year.
The President of the Society and/or Chair of the Awards Committee will announce the award winner at the Society of USAF Flight Surgeons Luncheon held during the annual Scientific Meeting of the Aerospace Medical Association. A plaque will be presented to a representative of the winning Team Aerospace at this luncheon.