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How to Join/Renew

Members, Associate Members, & Lifetime Members


Review Criteria



Purchase Plan Below

Emeritus, Honorary, & Student/Resident Members should read below



if applicable


Aerospace Medical Association (AsMA) Logo

Join AsMA

if applicable

  • Member

    USAF or ANG Flight Surgeons + Active AsMA Membership
    Valid for one year
    • Voting Privileges
    • Access to FlightLines Archive
    • Access to BoG Meeting Minutes
    • Access to Flight Surgeon Forum
  • Best Value

    Member (Three-Year)

    USAF or ANG Flight Surgeons + Active AsMA Membership
    Valid for 3 years
    • Voting Privileges
    • Access to FlightLines Archive
    • Access to BoG Meeting Minutes
    • Access to Flight Surgeon Forum
  • Associate Member

    Non-USAF Flight Surgeons + Any AsMA Membership
    Valid for one year
    • Access to FlightLines Archive
    • Access to BoG Meeting Minutes
    • Access to Flight Surgeon Forum
  • Lifetime Member

    USAF or ANG Flight Surgeons + Lifetime AsMA Membership
    • Voting Privileges
    • Lifetime Membership
    • Access to FlightLines Archive
    • Access to BoG Meeting Minutes
    • Access to Flight Surgeon Forum
Pricing Plans Top 3
Pricing Plans Bottom 3

Individual Membership Classifications

Individual Member Class Top

Associate Member

$20 / Annually

Associate Members: These shall be individuals who do not meet the qualifications of the other classes of membership or are otherwise not eligible for membership but are bona fide flight surgeons with either the Aerospace Medicine Primary Course or comparable training from a U.S. or foreign military service. Associate Members will have the privilege of the floor at annual meetings, but will not have the privilege of voting. Associate Members are required to be members of the parent organization, the Aerospace Medical Association. Applicants pending ASMA acceptance may receive the Society newsletter for one (1) year.


$20 / Annually

Members: Shall be all individuals meeting the qualifications contained in Article III of the Constitution who have completed either the Aerospace Medicine Primary Course as provided by the USAF School of Aerospace Medicine or comparable training provided by one of the U.S. military services. They must be serving in one of the following categories: Active duty in the United States Air Force; the United States Air Force Ready Reserves (Category A or B); active Flight Surgeon, Air National Guard. They need not be currently on flying status. Members are required to be members of the parent organization, the Aerospace Medical Association. Applicants, pending ASMA acceptance, may receive the Society newsletter and have voting privileges for one (1) year.

Lifetime Member

$200 / Single Payment

Lifetime Members: Flight Surgeons of the Regular service or the Reserve Components, who in all ways qualify for membership, as specified in the Members paragraph, and who are Life Members of the Aerospace Medical Association, may elect to become life members of the Society with the pre-payment of the equivalent of 10 years of dues at the current membership rate.

Proof of lifetime AsMA membership must be uploaded at time of purchase.

Honorary Member


Elected by the Board of Governors, this category is for those who are not eligible to be an active member, but have significant impact on Aviation Medicine.
Honorary Members: The Board of Governors, by a simple majority, may elect distinguished clinicians, scientists in fields associated with aerospace medicine, or other distinguished public or military figures who have outstandingly supported aerospace medicine, to honorary membership. In such cases, all other requirements are waived. Honorary members will have the privilege of the floor at annual meetings, but will not have the privilege of voting. Honorary Members are encouraged but not required to be members of the parent organization, the Aerospace Medical Association.

Email SoUSAFFS to activate this membership category.

Member Emeritus


Members Emeritus: Flight surgeons of the Regular service or the Reserve Components, who in all ways would otherwise qualify for membership but who have retired from active duty either by virtue of length of service or physical disability may be invited to join the Society as Members Emeritus. Those already members, upon retirement from active service will automatically change to this status and will have the privilege of voting. Members are required to be members of the parent organization, the Aerospace Medical Association. Applicants pending AsMA acceptance may receive the Society newsletter and have voting privileges for one (1) year.

Email SoUSAFFS to activate this membership category.

Student / Resident Member


Student / Resident Members. Undergraduate students, medical students, or residents interested in the practice of Aerospace Medicine who do not meet the qualifications of any other class of membership. Student and Resident members will have the privilege of attending annual meetings but will not have the privilege of the floor or the privilege of voting. Student and Resident members are encouraged but not required to be members of the parent organization, the Aerospace Medical Association. All Society of USAF Flight Surgeon annual fees are waived for this membership category.

Proof of resident/student status must be uploaded to SoUSAFFS below to activate this membership category.

Individual Member Class Bottom

About SoUSAFFS Membership

General. Membership shall be open to all flight surgeons in good standings who are members of the Aerospace Medical Association. Membership is limited to the classes defined in the Bylaws. A Membership Committee appointed by the President will evaluate the qualifications of each applicant for membership, and will ensure that members are categorized in the appropriate classes of membership.


Membership dues shall be collected and utilized to conduct the business of the Society. The amounts of these dues may be changed by simple majority vote of the Board of Governors.




  1. SoUSAFFS advocates for all USAF flight surgeons at national and international level. Your dues for AsMA membership (required for SoUSAFFS membership) ensure you receive the famous blue journal, Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance.

  2. Learn valuable leadership skills by participating in any of the SoUSAFFS committees, to include scientific, membership, awards, bylaws, history, info systems etc. Use SoUSAFFS as a stepping-stone to aerospace leadership positions in AsMA and international aerospace medicine organizations. Become the voice for USAF flight surgeons at the next level!

  3. Excellent opportunity for cross-talk, mentoring, and networking about all things of interest to flight surgeons. Find a future job. Learn about exciting new Air Force programs for human performance enhancement. Share experiences and “so there I was” stories at the annual luncheon, reception, and at SoUSAFFS meetings. If you are the only flight surgeon at a base or your team can’t answer a question, SoUSAFFS membership is an excellent outreach and life-line for any questions about medicine, policies, or career progression.

  4. Receive the electronic FlightLines publication quarterly. With enlightening and enjoyable articles across the breadth of the aerospace enterprise, learn what is happening around the globe from other flight surgeons, share ideas and research focused largely on USAF topics.

  5. Enjoy a significant decrease in your cost to attend the annual AsMA meeting where you can learn about most aerospace subjects, such as current research, and hear outstanding lecturers. Stock up on quality CME as well.

  6. Be part of the Long Blue Line and the legacy of top-tier flight surgeons in the Air Force! Many prior Surgeons General are members of SoUSAFFS, and they often continue to interact with the membership. Socialize and pick the brains of those heroes of the flight surgeon community.


How to Join. To join SoUSAFFS, review the membership criteria below to determine your eligibility. For Regular Members, Associate Members, and Lifetime Members, follow the above process to join or renew your membership. SoUSAFFS will email you when your membership has been confirmed. If you believe you qualify as a Member Emeritus or Honorary Member, please email


Severance of Membership. Members may be severed from membership in the Society by letter of request or by majority vote of the Board of Governors, provided sufficient evidence is provided indicating harm to the Society or the community of Aviation Medicine by continued membership. Members shall not be entitled to any return of annual or lifetime membership dues upon severance of their membership in the Society.

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